Photo Contest

Festiv'at Home PHOTO Contest!


What will be your interpretation of the theme :

"Tales from the crypt!" ?

A bit of culture, young people!



Your photo must include one or more dolls. It's up to you to interpret the theme as you wish.

To send your entry, please send an email to entitled "Festiv’at Home Photo Contest".
In this email, you will need to provide us with your contact details (surname, first name, postal address, telephone),
the pseudo under which you wish to compete as well as your instagram.

The psuedo will only be revealed for the winner of the contest. 

The Festiv’at home team will select 10 finalists whose photos will be exhibited in a dedicated gallery during the Festival. The public and a jury will then vote during the event for the big winner *! 



To be validated, your photo must comply with the following rules:


  • Theme respect: your photo must follow the imposed theme "Tales from the Crypt". If our team is in doubt about this, they are likely to ask you to explain what you wanted to show.


  • Show one or more dolls: one or more dolls must be the main subject of the photo. It is not allowed to take pictures of human beings or living animals, even in an incidental way. There is no size restriction on the dolls used. All articulated dolls, fashion dolls and artist dolls can be photographed, whether resin, vinyl, porcelain, etc. (eg BJD, Pullips, Blythes, mannequin doll…).


  • Technical Rules: In order to be shown on the Discord room for public votes, your photo must be submitted in the following size:
    Size: 1000 pixels on the longest side
    Format : JPG


  • Image editing: The use of decorating frames is prohibited.
    Image retouching is permitted as long as it improves its quality or supports the purpose expressed.
    These alterations must, however, remain in good taste and quality.


  • Photo anonymity: To maintain fairness during votes, your photo must not contain any significant signature or markings. On the day of the event, no name will be revealed in the voting section.


  • Sharing: Participants should not share their photo with their community, before and until the end of the event for those shortlisted. It is also forbidden for all preselected participants to notify their participation in networks, chat hall or others, so as not to influence the public votes. This restriction is valid during the voting period under penalty of immediate disqualification of the participant.


  • Submission deadline: 16th oct 2024 to send your entry, please send us an email entitled "Festiv’at Home Photo Contest" to


  • Limitation : A person can only participate once in the competition, the first entry sent will automatically be the one selected for selection! The competition is open to all natural persons residing anywhere in the world.


  • Preselection: in the event of more than 10 entries received, the Festiv’at Home team will be obliged to make a preselection among the entries received so that the public vote during the festival is done in good conditions.


  • Voting system: The result of the votes will be made up equally between the votes of the public made during the festival (end of public votes 5:45 p.m.) and a jury selected before the festival and outside the Festiv’at Home team. We'll reveal the big winner of the contest at 6 p.m. live on Discord.


  • Authorization to represent the work: Participants in the competition authorize the Festiv'at Home association to present their work publicly as part of the organization of the competition, the votes and the announcement of the winner. This authorization will be extended, for the winner, for the purpose of presenting his work in an “archive” of the winners. This representation will be granted free of charge without any form of remuneration or compensation possible.


  • Respect for good morals: Participants undertake to ensure that their work does not offend the sensitivity of the public.


Good luck to everyone !


* Regarding the nature of the prize: be careful, the Festiv’at Home cannot guarantee that the prize for the competition will be a jackpot, as this depends on the generosity of its partners. However, there will always be a gift for the winner.